The products we use volatize and thus become a part of our air - indoor and outdoor.

We all need to breathe. For some people, exposure to harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can result in disability and lack of accessibility to spaces, and this includes people who experience Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), other disabilities, and health conditions that depend on healthy indoor air for access to daily living.

MCS is a recognized disability and health condition triggered through sensitization to chemicals; further exposure to these chemicals leads to multiple symptoms in multiple body systems, leading to a lack of accessibility due to barriers in the built environment's air quality. These barriers can include VOCs from scents, perfumes, colognes, and other chemicals released from cleaning and laundry products. The prevalence of MCS is increasing in Canada, with 3.5% or more than 1.1 million people diagnosed with this disability (Statistics Canada, 2020). 

The Environmental Health Association of Québec created the Eco Living Guide to help you choose fragrance-free, lowest-emission and least-toxic products that are friendly to health and the environment.

We appreciate you taking this survey and encourage you to share it with your social network.

Your responses will help us update the Eco Living Guide and provide better information for you.

Thank you for your contribution to this vital work!

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Is this the first time you have participated in this poll?
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If it is not the first time, how many times have you participated in this poll? 
Year of birth
Where do you live
Which gender do you most identify with?
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On July 10, 2023, Health Canada released a letter of intent to propose requirements on the transparency of certain human health hazards of concern (HHHOCs) in consumer chemical products.

Many substances found in consumer chemical products, like household cleaning products, have been linked to human health hazards of concern (HHHOCs) such as carcinogens, mutagens, and reproductive toxicants.

Given the above statement, rate on scale of 1 to 5, how you feel about Health Canada’s statement that "Many substances found in consumer chemical products, like household cleaning products, have been linked to human health hazards of concern (HHHOCs) such as carcinogens, mutagens, and reproductive toxicants." 
Not at all concerned
Extremely concerned
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Given the above statement, on a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the importance of buying only healthy, least-toxic products?
You would not care what you buy
You would choose only healthy products
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Is this the first time you have visited the Eco Living Guide?
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If you have visited the Eco Living Guide before, how many times have you visited?
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Which categories do you visit often?
Which products and/or categories of products would you like us to research and include in the Eco Living Guide?
Rate your satisfaction with the on a scale of 1 to 5? 
Not at all satisfied
Extremely satisfied
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Did you know that the disability of Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) can be triggered from exposures to chemicals in commonly-used products?
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Since product use determines air quality and some products such as fragrances, perfumes, scents or colognes disable some people, at least 1 in 34 Canadians (Statistics Canada, 2020), to the point of unemployment and lack of access to health care and the community, would you change your product choices to fragrance-free and least toxic? 
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Are you concerned about people having symptoms and reactions to products? 
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Are you concerned for yourself and your family using toxic products that may cause reactions in other people?
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Now that you know about MCS and symptoms experienced on exposure to certain products, how likely are you to switch to fragrance-free least toxic products on a scale of 1 to 5?
Not at all likely
Extremely likely
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Do you have MCS?
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If you answered yes to the above, please specify to which products your experience symptoms: (select all that apply)

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this poll. Your participation is greatly appreciated. 

Your product choices matter! We share the air! Breathe well!

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