The products we use volatize and thus become a part of our air - indoor and outdoor.
We all need to breathe. For some people, exposure to harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can result in disability and lack of accessibility to spaces, and this includes people who experience Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), other disabilities, and health conditions that depend on healthy indoor air for access to daily living.
MCS is a recognized disability and health condition triggered through sensitization to chemicals; further exposure to these chemicals leads to multiple symptoms in multiple body systems, leading to a lack of accessibility due to barriers in the built environment's air quality. These barriers can include VOCs from scents, perfumes, colognes, and other chemicals released from cleaning and laundry products. The prevalence of MCS is increasing in Canada, with 3.5% or more than 1.1 million people diagnosed with this disability (Statistics Canada, 2020).
The Environmental Health Association of Québec created the Eco Living Guide to help you choose fragrance-free, lowest-emission and least-toxic products that are friendly to health and the environment.
We appreciate you taking this survey and encourage you to share it with your social network.
Your responses will help us update the Eco Living Guide and provide better information for you.
Thank you for your contribution to this vital work!