Parents Association Feedback
The current P.A. committee is almost one year in existence.  We are looking for feedback from parents about the work completed and events/activities organised by the committee over the last 12 months to date. We would really appreciate if you could take a couple of minutes to fill out our survey. The results will feed into our A.G.M. which will take place on  29/03/2023 and everyone is invited. 
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1. What class does your child/ren attend? (you can tick multiple boxes if you have more than 1 child attending the school)  
2. Since the re-establishment of the P.A. in the last 12 months, we have organised a number of events and activities based on the feedback given by parents in the survey completed in March 2022. These included :

- An afterschool picnic in May 2022
- Bake sale fundraiser in June 2022
- Halloween festival in October 2022
- Winter fundraiser event in December 2022
- Working jointly with school to organise a variety of afterschool classes e.g. creative keyboards, drama, coding, yoga, etc. 
- Re-establishing the parent led "active club" - soccer ran in November and December 2022. More activities are planned for later this year.
- Establishing an Additional Needs Network for parents and advocates of those with additional needs.
-Organising a parent talk on " Children's mental health and wellbeing"

What in your opinion went well over the past year and is something you would like to see the P.A. committee do more of over the next 12 months?
  3. Is there anything you think the P.A. should do less of over the next 12 months? 
4. The success of the P.A. depends on new members joining the committee. It really is a fun way to get more involved with your child's school and meet new people. The committee meet online once a month for an hour and on occasion a little more time is required to help plan events but this is up to each individual member.  Would you be interested in joining the committee?
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5. Volunteers are always needed to help run various events throughout the year. Would you be willing to put your name on a list of volunteer parents who could be contacted from time to time throughout the year? 
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6. Any other comments/ideas/suggestions
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