My body feels tense all over.
I have a nervous sweat or sweaty palms.
I have a hard time feeling really relaxed.
I have severe or chronic lower back pain.
I get severe or chronic headaches.
I get tension or muscle spasms in my face, jaw, neck or shoulders.
My stomach quivers or feels upset.
I get skin rashes or itching.
I have problems with my bowels (constipation, diarrhea).
I need to urinate more than most people.
I feel short of breath after mild exercise like climbing up four flights of stairs.
Compared to most people, I have a very small or a very large appetite.
My weight is more than 15 pounds higher than what is recommended for a person my height and build.
I get sharp chest pains when I'm physically active.
When I'm resting, my heart beats more than 100 times a minute.
Because of my busy schedule I miss at least two meals during the week.
I don't really plan my meals for balanced nutrition.
I spend less than 3 hours a week getting vigorous physical exercise (running, playing basketball, tennis, swimming, etc).