2025 H2D2 Associates Application
Hudson-Housatonic Disc Dogs (H2D2) is dedicated to DISC-DOGGING FUN in the NY-CT region!!! Visit  our H2D2DISCDOGS.COM website to see some dogs and people having a blast!!!

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Our wonderfull group!!!
Associate Benefits
You are joining a great bunch of people who love to play disc with their dogs. All associates get reduced prices on H2D2 discs and apparel. New associates will receive a H2D2 disc. New families will receive two H2D2 discs.
Associate membership begins Jan 1st and expires Dec 31st each year. Renewals must be completed by March 31st.

Event opening dates and times will be announced on FaceBook. Associates will be able to Pre-register for UpDog events for 24 hours BEFORE UpDog events open to the general public. 

Welcome to the H2D2 family!!!

Please email h2d2discdogs@gmail.com  if you have any problems filling out the form.
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