MHS Racial Incident Reporting Form
Action will be taken after receiving your form. Upon submitting, it will be immediately emailed to our administrative team (Mr. Dutra, Mrs. Hakenen & Mr. Landry) or a student services support team member or a community member upon request. If you do not want one of these administrators to receive this form, please find your counselor in the office to report in person.

We will reach out to you for a healing session and with resources for healing.  While you may remain anonymous, if you choose to include your name, administration or a counselor will reach out to you confidentially within 24 hours during school week.

If you submit after 5pm on a Friday, it will be seen and acted upon Monday morning.  If you need immediate support between Friday at 5pm and Monday morning, please call one of the following local support hotlines:  Youth Services Bureau Crisis Hotline 707-444-2273 or National Mental Health Hotline 1-800-273-8255 or text TALK to 741741.
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