Barcelona Declaration - working groups

At the Paris Conference on Open Research Information signatories and supporters of the Barcelona Declaration collectively developed a joint roadmap for open research information.

The roadmap identifies areas in which signatories and supporters of the Barcelona Declaration can collaborate to advance openness of research information and to work towards realizing the Barcelona Declaration commitments.

We invite organizations to get involved in the working groups that will take forward the actions on the roadmap.

Get involved! 

If your organization is interested in participating in one or more working groups, or, as a signatory organization, in coordinating one of the working groups, please fill out this form by November 30.

We have received over 100 expressions of interest for Barcelona Declaration working groups so far. Thank you for your involvement! You can still indicate your interest to participate in a working group, and we will get in touch once working groups are established in early 2025.

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What type of organization(s) do you represent? *
Is your organization a signatory / supporter of the Barcelona Declaration ?  *
Please indicate which working group(s) your organization is interested to participate in:
For signatory organizations:

Please indicate which working group (if any) your organization is interested to coordinate:
Any other comments / remarks? 
Your organization *
Your name *
Your email address *

Thank you for your filling out this form! 

We aim to set up a meeting with potential working group coordinators in December 2024, and have working groups populated and starting active work in January 2025. 

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