Radical Honesty WS in Bulgaria
Fill in the form to register and reserve your place.
Once confirmed, we ask a 100 EUR non-refundable amount that will guarantee your place in the workshop.
Places are limited to 16.

+359 88 865 3280
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Name *
Country *
Phone number *
Email *
Do you have any questions that you want to ask regarding the RH workshop in Bulgaria? *
Do you have any  or special needs regarding the RH workshop in Bulgaria? *
By submitting this registration form I confirm that I have read the information and I am aware that this a personal development program which requires my full participation. *
I agree that the provided data are used for the purposes of this project and I acknowledge that the information from this application are accessible to the project team. *
Without having your permission to use the data from the application, we are not able to process the data and proceed to the selection of participants. Data from this application will be kept for maximum 1 year. You can cancel your confirmation of data use at any time.
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