Prairie Pothole 2024 Musical Artist Application
Apply now for the opportunity to perform at the 2024 Prairie Pothole Music & Arts Festival!

Please fill out as thoroughly as possible. We will review all applications that come in and will reach out to any artist we wish to negotiate with. Thank you for applying and we hope to see you at Aurora Knolls in July!

Be aware that competition is stiff and slots are VERY limited, submitting your information does not guarantee you a booking. Our artist selection process is based on several factors that are taken into account by the PPMF Team.

You may be asked during the negotiation process if you're comfortable sitting in with another artist to provide a unique experience to our event, branching out of your comfort zone to try something new.

Lastly before we begin,

We take pride in having our artists and staff represent our brand as much as we represent theirs, with that being said - we take safety very seriously and will be asking personal questions to ensure we provide a safe space for all attending.

PLEASE watch your email that you provide with us as this will be our only form of communication with you.


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Email *
CC Email
CC - Relation to Artist
Phone *
Artist/Band Name *
Number of performers *
Primary Contact/Band Leader - First & Last Name *
Genre *
Band or DJ?
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Bands - Do you require a backline? What equipment would you need supplied if you cannot provide your own? We do not have any instruments, but sometimes can link you with other bands to accommodate.
DJs - Do you require a backline? What equipment will you need/will you bring for your performance? (if your set requires changeover from CDJs, you may need to cut your own allotted time to setup your equipment or get setup side stage so to not disrupt those before and after you)
I agree to be on-time and if situations arise out of anyone's control but my own, I forfeit my allotted time.
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I understand I will be sent a W9 if applicable.
City/State *
Years Active *
Biography *
Do you have original material?? *
Links to your music (required*)
Number of shows played in the last year *
Shows played outside your hometown last year *
Other festivals played *
Have you performed at a Prairie Pothole Event in the past? *
Have you attended a Prairie Pothole event in the past? *
What are you proud of over the last year that you feel you or your band has done that tells us you have the passion and drive to represent our festival?
What do you hope to accomplish with your Prairie Pothole performance? *
Are you willing/wanting to share your set with another artist that is applying? (sit-ins, "back to back" format for DJs)
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If you selected yes, which artist/genre do you feel you can connect with and bring a unique experience this year?
Safe space for all is important to us,
Do you have any previous or pending Sexual/Domestic/Aggravated Assault charges we should know about or will find out about between now and the festival? (We will not hesitate to take action as our patrons safety is highest priority)
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Please describe any current developments that may impact our evaluation. (Examples: upcoming tours, upcoming festival bookings, label and/or booking negotiations, new album before or after Prairie Pothole, etc.)
Social Media Links
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