Skyway 2024 Clinic RSVP
Skyway is back this year on April 13th and 14th for racers in Novice, Category 4, and Category 3! RSVP if you want to participate in Crit Clinic Practice with members from Half Acre in preparation for Crit season

For safety, you must bring:
- a properly fitting helmet
- a drop-bar bike with two working hand brakes and no aero bars allowed
- hydration
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Name (First and Last)
Phone Number
Which clinics will you attend?
If you're not sure about a specific date, you can always come back and fill out a new form
Have you raced in a crit (criterium) before?
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Are you confident riding with a group and in a pace line?
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Select the following skills you'd like to work on during the clinic 
Not sure, but excited to learn!
Pace lines
Riding close to other riders & bumper drills
Race starts
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