Thank you for your interest in joining Village of Love and Resistance (VOLAR)! This form is for those wanting to become a general volunteer or a Friend of VOLAR (member).
VOLAR is excited to be officially launching our General Volunteer and Friends of VOLAR programs. VOLAR is committed to building the power, leadership, and capacity of our primary base members, poor and low-income Black residents (especially legacy residents) living in the five zip codes that immediately surround the VOLAR buildings on East Monument Street. We also recognize the importance of expanding our organizational capacity and network by building relationships with allies and co-conspirators who want to contribute to the transformative work of VOLAR.
General Volunteers provide support to VOLAR on a one-off or project specific basis, after speaking with someone from the VOLAR staff or Caretaking Council (shared leadership team) and attending an orientation. Please note that some volunteer opportunities will include abbreviated, same-day volunteer orientations. It is the right of each volunteer to be treated with respect and to receive the privileges of a growing and thriving VOLAR community.
Friends of VOLAR is a membership category that provides regular support to and journeys with VOLAR, for the long haul. Friends of VOLAR attend an orientation, participate in political education, contribute dues (each Friend determines that amount for themselves), attend organizational events, and actively participate in the ongoing work of a VOLAR Committee. It is the right of each member to be treated with respect and to receive the privileges of a growing and thriving VOLAR community. At this time we are welcoming local and non-local Friends of VOLAR. Once you complete this form and speak with a representative of VOLAR you will be invited to attend our next membership orientation.
VOLAR is a non-profit, tax exempt 501 (c)(3) corporation in Maryland.
Conflict of Interest Policy for Members/Volunteers: The Board of Directors shall adopt a conflict of policy that covers board members, officers, staff members, and volunteers with significant decision making authority with respect to the resources of the organization.
Care Taking Council Members: Marisela Gomez, Pamela Jordan, Lenora R. Knowles, Katherine Williams