Do you understand copyright and fair use?
How much do you understand about fair use in educational materials online?
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An instructor wants to use a specific textbook, but it is out of print. She plans to scan it and put a PDF version inside her learning management system, behind a password.   *
1 point
A student creates a course blog, and includes a clip of JF Kennedy's "We shall go to the moon" speech, which the student downloaded from YouTube. The course blog is open to the public.   *
1 point
An instructor captures and shows two 30-second clips from the film "12 Years a Slave" in their history class. *
1 point
An instructor assigns the film "The Matrix." Which of the following ways for students to view the film is allowable under US copyright law? *
1 point
Only works showing a (c) sign and date are legally copyrighted. *
1 point
Under the TEACH Act of 2002, students and instructors can freely use digital resources without restriction. *
1 point
An instructor has been invited to give an online plenary, which will be streamed on the internet and posted publicly for others to view after the event. Which of the following things are appropriate to include in the talk? *
1 point
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