Deep Listening Intensive I Application
Please fill out this brief application form to be considered for our next available Deep Listening Intensive I.

Deep Listening Intensive I offers an immersion in Deep Listening core principles, practices, and philosophy. Participants develop their collaborative and individual practices through the three modalities: Listening through Sound, Dreaming, and Movement. Classes meet online for 13 sessions over three months, for two hours each session.  You can read about our extraordinary Deep Listening Intensive facilitators, here. In addition to attending class meetings, participants are responsible for developing a daily Deep Listening practice, journaling, and submitting reflections about their individual experiences (an additional time commitment of 3-4 hours per week). Courses are held over Zoom. Successful completion of Deep Listening Intensive I is a prerequisite for applying for Deep Listening Intensive II.

Tuition for Intensive I is $900 USD, with scholarships available for populations currently under-represented in Deep Listening, sound art, and wellness spaces. (Please note that the scholarship deadline for courses in 2024 has passed, but applications for scholarships will be considered in Fall 2024 for courses in 2025.) 

Please email with any questions.

Visit for more information on our programs.
Email *
Name *
Have you attended Deep Listening workshops, retreats, intensives, or other related Deep Listening events? If so, when and where did they take place? If not, how did you learn about Pauline Oliveros and Deep Listening? *
Do you have experience with other creative, mindfulness, or listening practices? If so, for how long? *
Why are you interested in learning more about Deep Listening? If applicable, why are you interested in pursuing certification in teaching Deep Listening? *
Please include a short biography here: *
The Center for Deep Listening offers a limited number of partial scholarships for Deep Listening Intensive I, earmarked for populations currently under-represented in Deep Listening, sound art, and wellness spaces.  

In keeping with our commitment to increasing equity and diversity within our communities, we specifically invite applications from Black, Brown, Indigenous, and trans folks, as well as disabled and neurodiverse individuals, and those who face systemic financial barriers.

The scholarship deadline for courses in 2024 has passed, but you can apply now to be considered for an Equity Scholarship for an Intensive I in 2025. (The scholarship committee will then meet in Fall 2024, and applicants will be notified by the end of 2024.) 

If you would like to be considered for a course in 2024 without a scholarship, please do not apply for an Equity Scholarship.

Would you like to be considered for an Equity Scholarship to participate in Deep Listening Intensive I? *
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