Abstract Submission ILMS 2021 Conference
Help us celebrate 33 years of Indiana Lakes Management! The Indiana Lakes Management Society is seeking abstracts for presentations at the 32nd Annual Indiana Lakes Management Conference. The conference will be held virtually on April 8th and 9th, 2021. The deadline to submit an abstract is Friday, January 29, 2021. If your abstract is accepted, you will be notified no later than February 19, 2021.
General presentation information:
- ILMS does not endorse specific products or services. Any presentation must include disclosure(s) of any and all relevant relationship(s) with: i) any and all corporations or ii) commercial product(s), iii) method(s), and iv) trade or brand name(s).
- All oral presentations will be pre-recorded. Details on format and deadlines for video submission will be announced after acceptance.
-Oral presentations will be allotted 20-30 minutes, including time for questions.
-Students making oral or poster presentations as primary authors will be considered for student awards.
-All presenters of accepted abstracts must register for the conference.