No HISD Bond & Go Away Miles Yard Signs
Order: Enter your name, email address, how many Go Away Miles signs you’re purchasing, pick-up zone, and confirm that you’ve paid. Payment is accepted through Venmo, Zelle or PayPal.

Each Go Away Miles sign costs $20 or 2/$30 
No Trust No Bond sign are FREE. Donations are welcome so we can buy more.

Payment: Please send Venmo payment to @houstoncvpe or Zelle at 346-330-8555.

Pickup: When picking up please mark your name and number of signs picked up on clipboard/sheet at the pickup site. 

Proceeds: Extra funds raised will be used to purchase a billboard, provide signs to those with limited means, and for canvassing against the bond.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
How many Go Away Miles signs do you want? $20 or 2/$30)
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I will purchase a sign (s) to be donated or will purchase a No Bond sign (suggested donation $5, $15, etc.)  . Extra funds raised will be used to provide signs to those with limited means and for canvassing against the bond. 
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Pick-up Zone. Choose your pick up location. Please fill out the sign out sheet on the clipboard by the signs. Go Away Miles ($20) No Bond (free or suggested donation $10) 

Please confirm that will be picking up a free sign (donations welcome) or that you have paid for the Go Away Miles signs are $20 or 2/$30. Please send Venmo payment to @houstoncvpe and write in the notes "yard sign and how many"

Donations are welcome.
Comments or questions? 
(Note: If you have not signed the petition against this hostile takeover, please do so. You can find it at

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