ACE Award Nominees
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At Wilson Middle School, we believe in the "Wildcat Way"
We use the acronym "A.C.E." to remind us of the three key components:  Attitude, Character, and Effort.

Please use this form to draw attention to a Wildcat (student, staff member, volunteer) who models the Wildcat Way and deserves an ACE Award.

Our ATTITUDE is what we make it

Our CHARACTER is above reproach

And we give our best EFFORT in everything we do.

Name of Wildcat You are Nominating (First and Last if you know it) *
Nominee's Role in Our Community (who are they?) *
If a student, what grade (if you know)?
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How do they exemplify the Wildcat Way? *
Tell us more about this person's noteworthy actions.  Why does he or she stand out? *
If we have more questions and need to contact you, please share your name and email.  If you'd prefer to stay anonymous, please leave blank.
How will we use this nomination?
We may check in and say "thank you" face to face, write a "thank you" letters, ask them to lead the pledges, interview them and tell their story on The Wilson Word, showcase them at 9 weeks or end of year awards, showcase them on our social media account, or more!  

We want to share GOOD NEWS about our Wilson community because we truly are "Better Together".
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