2023-2024 Gwendolyn Brooks Open House Interest Form- Saturday, November 4, 2023
Open House is a great opportunity for students to engage in a tour of the Brooks campus and get a glimpse into the life of a Brooks student. Parents can get a feel for the school as well as what to expect for their students academically and socially. 
This year's Gwendolyn Brooks College Prep Open House will take place on Saturday, November 4th from 10am-12am for our Academic Center (AC), which is for 7th and 8th graders, and from 12-3pm for our prospective high school students.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Geri Jones at gljones@cps.edu. Our access to our office phones is sporadic, so please reach out with any inquiries via email.
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Student Name *
Current Grade in School *
Current School Name *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian Mailing Address *
How many parents/students are you bringing? *
Are you a student, parent, or school-based personnel? *
How did you hear about Brooks? *
Has your student already applied to Brooks? *
If yes, how did you rank Brooks for your school choices? *
What other schools are you currently considering in addition to Brooks?
What specific interests does your student have? (i.e. athletics- basketball, extracurricular- dance, academics- STEM classes)
Is there anything specifically you would like to see or hear about during the Brooks Open House?
Do you have any questions at this time?
I plan to attend the Brooks College Prep Open House on October 29, 2022.
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