iLOGIC Work-Trade Retreat Form
Thank you for your interest in the Homestead Incubation Program.

The following application is Step 1 in the process of being approved to participate.

Work Trade Retreats are all about creating an inclusive space on the homestead to offer training and retreat space at an accessible price and time-frame.  

We could use some help knocking out our projects to prepare for the next season.  This Work-Trade Retreat gives us an opportunity to share our skills and knowledge while offering time and space for rest and relaxation.

The facilitator is Tannur Ali - our Residential Land Steward.  Participants will assist with current projects on the homestead including seed starting, carpentry projects, lumber mill pick-ups and so much more.  
Lodging is discounted for all of February from $75/night to $10/night!

BYO Food.  Book the days that work for you and participate in the projects that we're working on at the time.  There will be no detailed agenda.  Grocery trips will be provided.  Travel from Birmingham airport can be facilitated.  Apply and let's discuss how to make this work for all of us!

How does it work? 
Apply below.  Once accepted, you will receive an email with a link to book your stay on HipCamp.

Our core values are: Transparency, Collaboration, Solution Orientation, Compassion and Integrity.  

Participation in this program is At-Will.  We seek to share all of the knowledge that we have gained on this land relevant to your goals and experience.  We also understand that in a community setting, maintaining clear lines of communication, boundaries, conflict resolution and solution-orientation are keys to making inter-personal relationships work.    If at any time your participation in the program is found to be out of alignment with forwarding the mission of creating peaceful, healing space at Solomon's Garden, you may be asked to vacate the premises.

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