Extra/Additional/Uncompensated Professional Development Survey
This survey is for BTU members to share their experience with added professional development for which contractual time or compensation were not provided in the first part of SY21-22.  Most questions are optional, but the more information you can provide us, the better. You may choose to remain anonymous.  Please do not use this form to report on new professional development that is being required but for which time is being provided.
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Your School *
if applicable
Your Subject Area(s)/ Role
if applicable
Your Grade Level(s) *
Which training has been required/asked of you?
Enter only one.  You will have an opportunity to select more later in the survey.
Clear selection
How was this training presented to you or staff at your school?
Clear selection
Describe the training as best as you are able. (purpose, content, online/in-person, duration)
Have you been asked to complete another training? *
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This form was created inside of Boston Teachers Union.

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