Get Involved: Volunteer for Middlebury
Middlebury’s dynamic and global community depends on thousands of alumni, parents, and friends of the College who volunteer their time, resources, and talents.

Here are some ways you can get involved:

• Raise money for today’s students and faculty as a class agent
• Be a reunion volunteer and help to plan your reunion, encourage classmates to come back,
  and raise funds for your class gift.
• Mentor students and give or get career advice from alumni through Midd2Midd
• Help to plan an event through your local alumni chapter
• Collect class notes as a class correspondent
• Interview applicants in the Alumni Admissions Program

We value and appreciate your efforts on behalf of the College!

Please fill in the form below and highlight your areas of interest. If you would like more information about volunteering please call the alumni office at (802) 443-5183, or e-mail us at Required fields are highlighted by a red asterisk.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Maiden Name
Class Year *
Preferred Phone *
Preferred Phone Type *
How would you like to help? *
Please let us know how you'd like to get involved! You can select more than one option by holding the ctrl key (windows) or the command key (mac) and clicking on multiple rows. If you select “other,” please put a very brief description in the text field that opens up. You may provide more details in the "Comments or Questions" box.
Comments or Questions
Please let us know any questions or comments you have.
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