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Q.1. In the Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi family tree, who are Raliyatben, Laxmidas and Karsandas? *
1 point
Q.2. What is Gandhiji’s father’s Name? *
1 point
Q.3. How old was Gandhiji when he married Kasturba Kapadia and how many children did they have? *
1 point
Q.4. About how old was Gandhiji when he reached London to become a barrister? *
1 point
Q.5. Name the Tamil girl, martyred at 16, whom Gandhiji has gone on record as saying was an inspiration for him to stay the course in the fight for equality in South Africa. *
1 point
Q.6. Gandhiji confessed his guilt of stealing for the purpose of smoking in a letter, promising never to steal in future and asking for adequate punishment. To whom was this letter addressed? *
1 point
Q.7. Who of the following is considered the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi? *
1 point
Q.8. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was called Mahatma by *
1 point
Q.9. Which of the following newspapers was NOT published by Mahatma Gandhi? *
1 point
Q.10. Gandhiji’s “The Story of My Experiments with Truth” was originally written in Gujarati. Who translated it into English? *
1 point
Q.11. After many campaigns, activities, and arrests in South Africa, Gandhiji returned to India for good on January 9, 1915. How is the date commemorated? *
1 point
Q.12. At which one of the following places did Mahatma Gandhi first start his Satyagraha in India? *
1 point
Q.13. Who is the author of Gandhiji’s favorite Bhajan ‘Vaishnava Jana to tene kahiye’? *
1 point
Q.14. Who first referred Gandhiji as ‘Rashtriyapitha’ (Father of the Nation)? *
1 point
Q.15. Which great personality paid this wonderful tribute to Gandhiji: “Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth”? *
1 point
Q.16. Who led the salt Satyagraha Movement with Gandhi? *
1 point
Q.17. When did Gandhiji get his head shaved, discard his clothes and settle for a loin cloth? *
1 point
Q.18. Which book influenced Gandhiji greatly, which he read in England? *
1 point
Q.19. Which of the following did Gandhiji describes as his two lungs? *
1 point
Q.20. Which of the following movements was NOT started by Gandhiji? *
1 point
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