EduBoost Community Week! Sign-up NOW to start on August 12th

What is EduBoost? 

Whether you have a quick idea or challenge you want feedback on, you can send us a text, audio, or video message to tell us what’s going on. We get back to you in 24 hours with a response and any relevant resources. 

How might you use it in August?

  • Brainstorm ways to structure your coaching cycles (This one's for you, leaders!)
  • Design a lesson that establishes a sense of belonging for all students (Teachers!)
  • Get clear on your top 2-3 priorities for the year and make a plan to take care of yourself (Everyone!) 
  • Move from overwhelm to clarity with your personal, virtual instructional coach - FOR FREE! 

    Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
    Email *
    Please share your full name and pronouns?  *
    What is the best email address to reach you? 
    Tell us a little bit about your role. 

    (Examples: I'm an instructional coach new to my role. I'm a 6th grade teacher new to my grade. I'm in the first 5 years of my teaching.) 
    Where do you work? 

    Please include any relevant information, which may be your location and some information about your school population. 
    How long have you worked in education?  
    If you were on EduBoost, right now, what are some questions you might ask (or topics you might ask about)? 
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