How Do I Add A Meta Title And Description To My Wordpress Page
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The Best WordPress Plugins for Search Engine Optimization for Your Website. You want to get your website found by potential customers, clients or patients. Or maybe you are an agency looking for the best intel on the newest options for improving your clients SEO. Our comprehensive, unsurpassed-in-detail plugin reviews and comparisons will ensure you make the right choice when selecting a WP SEO Plugin for your website.

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WordPress is arguably the most popular web content management system software on the market today. It's used by millions of people every day to design web sites. It's extremely flexible, loaded with options, is very scalable and has tremendous support. Because of its ease of use, WordPress is an obvious choice for beginner web designers who want to construct quality pages and posts. But the quality of a web page built with WordPress is not determined by the software; rather, its determined by its content. Let's take a look at a few elements which contribute to an awesome web page.

Defining a page

Unlike traditional web design software, such as Adobe Dreamweaver, WordPress is unique in that it allows you to design both pages and posts. The default options and choices in the software will differ, depending on whether you're making a page or post. Posts are typically used for blogs and allow comments, whereas pages are commonly static-meaning once you set them up, you just leave them alone. Opinions differ, but the consensus seems to suggest you should build your page solidly, let it get indexed into the search engines and leave it alone. So how do you build a solid WordPress web page?


The first thing you need to do is research your topic. You're building a website because you want to convey a message and provide information to your readers. Right? So it would seem obvious that you want to provide accurate information. Unfortunately this isn't always the case.Remember, your page will get picked up in the search engines and people will visit your site looking for an answer within your pages content. It's your responsibility to do your due diligence and make sure you are providing the best possible information. If you are an expert in your area then this may not be that challenging, but if not-do your homework. The consequences of poorly researched topic will cost you because people will �ounce out of your site very quickly.

Use Proper Titles

Your WordPress page titles are extremely important. The title of your page is your link to the internet world and one of the biggest considerations you have to make. People will find your page most of the time based on its title. Your title describes exactly what's inside your page and what your reader is in store for. Your title has what's known as meta data attributes attached to it and this is what the search engines look for when someone does a specific search online for something particular.

Use Keywords

When you search for something on Google or Bing, you're doing what's known as a keyword search. Your pages should always include a well researched primary keyword in its title, and a variation of it in your pages heading. A well constructed WordPress page must have a heading at the top of the page just before the content section. Headings use what's known as an H1 tag; this is a meta data attribute which is also picked up by the search engines and helps people find your content. It's also a good idea to use H2 and H3 headings within your page as well. This breaks up and segments your page to help build an all around solid page.

Provide Quality Content

You may have heard this before but I'm going to say it again. Content is king. How informative is the content on your page? Your main objective should always be to provide, rich, engaging, informative and quality content to your readers. This is paramount above all else, providing you've done all of the above of course.

Everything ultimately revolves around the quality of the content on your website. So, if you consistently provide reliable and engaging copy then your site will eventually evolve into what you envision. Not only will your website will rise in the search engines, but you will get more visitors and grow even further. These are just a few of the elements that contribute to building a solid WordPress page. There are many other considerations and fine tuning minutia that you can do to enhance your page, but these basic page building techniques are essentials.
Wordpress Plugin SEO Automatic
Wordpress Plugin SEO Automatic
Wordpress SEO Plugin Tutorial
The third plug-in I am going to recommend is a powerful application that can track traffic to your website. And it's more than a traffic tracker. Besides traffic, It can track page views, the of the unique visitor, search engines and keywords bringing traffic, backlinks and affiliate link CTR (Click Through Rate). The plug-in will tell you how is your review site going and which elements that work well for you. And you can adjust your review site to increase the conversion rate.
Wordpress SEO Basics
Many affiliates work hard to launch affiliate campaigns one by one, but few gets positive results. If you are using WordPress to build review site, I would highly recommend you to use three plug-ins which help a lot of affiliates increase their sales commissions.

All-In-One SEO plug-in

This plug-in is very prevalent to a lot of webmasters. Because you can not edit the META title, description and keywords in the post and page edition area. So you need this plug-in to help you edit the META elements. And it will help you easily get indexed by search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and so on. More over it's very easy to use. It appears below the post and page edition area. So you can conveniently edit the META elements along with the posts and pages.

Star Rating Plug-in

Star Rating Plug-in is a new WordPress review site plug-in that is being used by more and more affiliates in creating review-style landing pages. By using it, you can enable your visitors to add reviews and ratings to posts. And you can also display the ratings along with reviews, so that other visitors will see what other people think about the products or services you are promoting.

You have the ratings and reviews on your website, you will increase your conversion rate and sales commissions. And this plug-in is compatible with most WP themes. So you can use it on most WP websites.

Traffic Tracking Plug-in

The third plug-in I am going to recommend is a powerful application that can track traffic to your website. And it's more than a traffic tracker. Besides traffic, It can track page views, the of the unique visitor, search engines and keywords bringing traffic, backlinks and affiliate link CTR (Click Through Rate). The plug-in will tell you how is your review site going and which elements that work well for you. And you can adjust your review site to increase the conversion rate.
Boost Barrier Example
Boost Barrier Example
Magento Vs Wordpress SEO
Plugins are functionality created by innovative people and are yet one more reason why WordPress continues to improve. There are literally thousands of plugins available these days to enhance the functionality and look of your website or blog. Most of them are automated making them super easy and very convenient for authors, bloggers and webmasters.
How To Do Wordpress SEO
How To Do Wordpress SEO
Wordpress Add Meta Data To Post
WordPress is arguably the most popular web content management system software on the market today. It's used by millions of people every day to design web sites. It's extremely flexible, loaded with options, is very scalable and has tremendous support. Because of its ease of use, WordPress is an obvious choice for beginner web designers who want to construct quality pages and posts. But the quality of a web page built with WordPress is not determined by the software; rather, its determined by its content. Let's take a look at a few elements which contribute to an awesome web page.

Defining a page

Unlike traditional web design software, such as Adobe Dreamweaver, WordPress is unique in that it allows you to design both pages and posts. The default options and choices in the software will differ, depending on whether you're making a page or post. Posts are typically used for blogs and allow comments, whereas pages are commonly static-meaning once you set them up, you just leave them alone. Opinions differ, but the consensus seems to suggest you should build your page solidly, let it get indexed into the search engines and leave it alone. So how do you build a solid WordPress web page?


The first thing you need to do is research your topic. You're building a website because you want to convey a message and provide information to your readers. Right? So it would seem obvious that you want to provide accurate information. Unfortunately this isn't always the case.Remember, your page will get picked up in the search engines and people will visit your site looking for an answer within your pages content. It's your responsibility to do your due diligence and make sure you are providing the best possible information. If you are an expert in your area then this may not be that challenging, but if not-do your homework. The consequences of poorly researched topic will cost you because people will �ounce out of your site very quickly.

Use Proper Titles

Your WordPress page titles are extremely important. The title of your page is your link to the internet world and one of the biggest considerations you have to make. People will find your page most of the time based on its title. Your title describes exactly what's inside your page and what your reader is in store for. Your title has what's known as meta data attributes attached to it and this is what the search engines look for when someone does a specific search online for something particular.

Use Keywords

When you search for something on Google or Bing, you're doing what's known as a keyword search. Your pages should always include a well researched primary keyword in its title, and a variation of it in your pages heading. A well constructed WordPress page must have a heading at the top of the page just before the content section. Headings use what's known as an H1 tag; this is a meta data attribute which is also picked up by the search engines and helps people find your content. It's also a good idea to use H2 and H3 headings within your page as well. This breaks up and segments your page to help build an all around solid page.

Provide Quality Content

You may have heard this before but I'm going to say it again. Content is king. How informative is the content on your page? Your main objective should always be to provide, rich, engaging, informative and quality content to your readers. This is paramount above all else, providing you've done all of the above of course.

Everything ultimately revolves around the quality of the content on your website. So, if you consistently provide reliable and engaging copy then your site will eventually evolve into what you envision. Not only will your website will rise in the search engines, but you will get more visitors and grow even further. These are just a few of the elements that contribute to building a solid WordPress page. There are many other considerations and fine tuning minutia that you can do to enhance your page, but these basic page building techniques are essentials.
Wordpress SEO Manager
Wordpress SEO Manager
Yoast Wordpress SEO Breadcrumbs Settings
Many affiliates work hard to launch affiliate campaigns one by one, but few gets positive results. If you are using WordPress to build review site, I would highly recommend you to use three plug-ins which help a lot of affiliates increase their sales commissions.

All-In-One SEO plug-in

This plug-in is very prevalent to a lot of webmasters. Because you can not edit the META title, description and keywords in the post and page edition area. So you need this plug-in to help you edit the META elements. And it will help you easily get indexed by search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and so on. More over it's very easy to use. It appears below the post and page edition area. So you can conveniently edit the META elements along with the posts and pages.

Star Rating Plug-in

Star Rating Plug-in is a new WordPress review site plug-in that is being used by more and more affiliates in creating review-style landing pages. By using it, you can enable your visitors to add reviews and ratings to posts. And you can also display the ratings along with reviews, so that other visitors will see what other people think about the products or services you are promoting.

You have the ratings and reviews on your website, you will increase your conversion rate and sales commissions. And this plug-in is compatible with most WP themes. So you can use it on most WP websites.

Traffic Tracking Plug-in

The third plug-in I am going to recommend is a powerful application that can track traffic to your website. And it's more than a traffic tracker. Besides traffic, It can track page views, the of the unique visitor, search engines and keywords bringing traffic, backlinks and affiliate link CTR (Click Through Rate). The plug-in will tell you how is your review site going and which elements that work well for you. And you can adjust your review site to increase the conversion rate.
Who Blogger Vs Wordpress SEO
Facebook Like - With this plugin, readers can just click on the Facebook like button on your post and share that action on Facebook. You can add this on top of your post or after the post. And since this is hosted by Facebook itself, people visiting your blog need not log into their Facebook account.
Wordpress Meta Title Without Plugin
Wordpress Meta Title Without Plugin
Wordpress Change Meta Description Programmatically
WordPress is, so far, the most favoured open-source CMS or Content Management System that is used by more than 75 million websites now. The CMS is free to install and use, has a simple and easy to manage interface, is highly flexible, secure, SEO-friendly, and comes with thousands of in-built themes, plugins, and extensions. The huge community support of WordPress is also a reason why developers prefer using this platform for website development especially when it comes to building engaging and secure e-stores. And this myriad of benefits of the platform has made business owners choose to work with a WordPress developer over the other available web development platforms.

WordPress is an open-source platform:

WordPress can be installed and used for free. There are no costs associated with installing, downloading, and upgrading it. Also, the source codes can be easily accessed at any point in time. There are thousands of free plugins available in WordPress as well. Furthermore, WordPress involves less setup, maintenance, and customisation costs as compared to the other CMSs like Joomla and Drupal.

WordPress is SEO-friendly:

All business owners desire to see their websites on top of the search engines and have a high ranking. WordPress is an SEO-friendly platform, which ensures a high ranking of the websites on the SERPs. It also means you can get an optimised site with this CMS. Also, the clean coding structure of WordPress, high-standard codes, responsive, and logical web design features of the CMS make the search engines have a higher level of preference for WordPress. With this platform, you can give each and every page and post of your website a unique meta tag, meta title, meta keyword, and meta description, thereby, allowing more precise optimisation.

Customisation is easy with WordPress:

WordPress is a popular CMS and one of the main reasons for this is its easy customisability and high flexibility. The customisable themes and the other customisable features of the CMS also allow WordPress developers and designers to create and also modify the layouts and themes as per the business needs.

Huge community support:

WordPress has got huge community support and this makes it a favourable choice for the developers. Whenever the developer gets stuck with any challenge or complexity during the WordPress development process, there's always an expert from the community to help the developer to resolve the issue.

Availability of a wide range of themes and plugins:

The availability of a wide range of themes and plugins in WordPress also makes it a great choice. There are plenty of both free and paid themes and plugins that developers can use as per the business needs to enhance the site functionality and to offer a more personalised experience to the site visitors or customers. And the best thing is that most of the WordPress themes are responsive and customisable as well. And there's a plugin for almost every functionality a good website would need. The plugins make it easy to implement the required functionalities to the site. Developers can just pick the right plugin and can install and activate it for use.

A simple host:

WordPress can be set up easily on any web host. Most of the hosting plans need single-click installation or are pre-installed. This also means that customers get full freedom to choose the host for the website. They can find the fastest and affordable hosting provider of their choice and can even set up the same for their WordPress websites.
Wordpress SEO Pro
Wordpress SEO Pro
Wordpress Local SEO Plugin
Yet Another Related Post - This plugin gives a list of posts related to the one displayed on the blog page where the reader is currently at. This is a good way of encouraging them to click on other posts on your site that might interest them. You can find this list at the bottom of each article.
What Is Wordpress SEO And How It Works
Theme Consistency

All WordPress themes are unique and built by different developers using various approaches. Though the core pages are common to every theme, there is little consistency when it comes to the way themes are coded and structured. There is a huge difference in terms of CSS mark-up, HTML structure, PHP code and naming conventions to functions. So, it can be time-consuming to perform simple tasks like tweaking column widths and styling comments.

Come Up With a Unique Theme

Even if you have the coolest blog or most useful website out there, it will get lost among the crowd if it looks like hundreds of thousands of other websites. WordPress dominates almost 20% of the online world and surely, a lot of people will be able to identify the default wenty themes from a distance. When your site lacks individuality, people are less likely to be impressed. There is a greater chance that they would not link to you and would probably not come back. Custom themes allow you to create something unique and come up with what you really like.

Faster development

Once you have your first WordPress theme, you will surely want to make your own framework. You need a set of files, functions, styles and structure to use as a foundation for your WordPress project. This will depend on the coding methodologies as well as preferences you are familiar with, which you won't need to make out. Updates, changes or inclusions to your WordPress themes will be a lot easier.

Boost speed

Know how optimized your off-the-shelf theme is. While it is perhaps good, it isn't impressive enough and, probably, you want it to look as impressive as possible. Your theme could still be using older functions like query_posts() rather than get_posts(). While these two querying functions basically work the same way, the first one is more database intensive. When you are in the driver's seat, you will be able to handle inquiries, optimize your code and if you want to, do the fine tweaking. This way you can let your theme work to your best advantage.

Better Handle on the SEO

While there are a number of decent plugins in the market for this, you would certainly like to have full control over aspects pertaining to SEO on your site. SEO is essential to every stage of web development, such as how the website is coded and structured. With custom theme development, getting an on-page SEO from the very beginning is definitely easier as compared to changing the code or structure on an off-the-shelf theme by the end of a project. For instance, when you want to come up with custom excerpts to be used for Meta descriptions or tweak the Meta titles using the page type, a custom theme makes it a lot easier.
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