Have you used QUEST resources?
The QUEST project has released a range of resources – handbooks, checklists, guides and other materials – to support scientists, journalists, museum facilitators and social media managers with their science communication activities. The majority of these resources are included in the QUEST Toolkits, available here: questproject.eu/toolkits/.

If you have used some of our resources, we want to hear from you! Send us your thoughts by answering the questions below.

The survey has three questions. The responses are collected anonymously. You can also send your comments by email: contact@questproject.eu


The QUEST project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824634. Read more about QUEST: https://questproject.eu/
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Which QUEST resources have you used, and for what purpose?
Was there something you found particularly useful about the materials?
Do you have any other feedback about the QUEST resources?
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