Homework 2: Satellite Remote Sensing for Agricultural Applications
This homework includes questions from the second and third lectures of this webinar series. It would be best to record your answers on a sheet of paper or word document before submitting them here. You will not be able to save your answers and return to complete this form at a later time.

To receive a certificate of completion, you must have attended all 4 live sessions and complete this homework by May 12, 2020. Once you submit the homework, you will receive an email with a copy of your responses.

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Go to GEOGLAM’s Crop Monitor website (https://cropmonitor.org/). Explore the website and both the “Crop Monitor for AMIS” and “Crop Monitor for Early Warning.” Write about one thing you learned. *
SMAP soil moisture observations are needed every 3 days or less to optimally determine the variability in soil moisture. *
5 points
What is the resolution of the SMAP Enhanced Active-Passive Product using Sentinel-1 (L2_SM_SP)? *
5 points
Which of the following are important variables for monitoring crops? *
5 points
Explain Growing Degree Days (GDD) and how it is useful to our understanding of crop monitoring. *
Microwaves are highly sensitive to the water in soil due to change in the soil microwave dielectric properties. *
5 points
What is the software framework used for LDAS? *
5 points
Go to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network website (FEWS NET - https://fews.net/). Which of the following is not a country they provide early warning for on acute food insecurity? *
5 points
LDAS integrates surface-based and remote sensing observations, providing uniformly gridded, frequent information of water and energy components. *
5 points
A crop calendar is important for which of the following reasons? *
5 points
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