FISCA Sign-up Form

FISCA is the French International School Community Association. We collaborate with students, staff, teachers and parents to build a community, nurture goodwill and cooperation, share ideas and resources that enrich the student experience, and support the overall mission of the French International School of Hong Kong. 

We will need as many volunteers as possible to help brainstorm, organise and execute various projects, and we welcome anyone with little or a lot of time to give. Please share your interest and/or your expertise with us using this form or at so we can find the perfect match for you.

We also have a WhatsApp Community; please don't hesitate to join it using the link at the end of the form. Please join the respective groups that are of interest to you. The widest one is the FISCA Volunteer Group.

Only for volunteers, no marketing, please.

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Email *
Last name *
First Name *
Phone number *
Campus & Stream
French Stream
International Stream
Jardine's Lookout
Chai Wan
Blue Pool Road
Tseung Kwan O Primary
Tseung Kwan O Secondary
How did you hear about us?
How would you like to contribute to FISCA? (All roles will be in collaboration with a team.)
What type of event(s) would you be most interested in participating in?
Do you have any ideas, suggestions or additional information you would like to share with us?
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