VIP Driving Exam Booking Form

Do you want to go with us to your exam?

We will pick you up on the day of your exam (Note: pickup is ONLY in the vicinity of the driving school)
We will take you to your driving test!
We will give you a quick crash driving test course!
You will use your familiar Morty's car for your test!
We will take you home after the test!

After you fill out the VIP request form below, you will receive a confirmation email of your booking request and we will contact you to confirm the details and availability.

To follow up on your request, please email us at
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your first name *
Your Last Name *
Phone number *
Are you a Morty's student?
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Pick Up Address

Street Address and Unit if applicable:
City: *
Postal Code: *
Date of Exam: *
Time of Exam:
(Please note: if your test is very early in the morning or late in the afternoon additional charges could apply)
SAAQ Location of Exam: *
Additional Information:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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