Class-6,Playing with Numbers
Mihir jadav *
9011529540 *
Q1) Which of the following is smallest prime number?
1 point
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Q2) The only prime number which is also even is *
1 point
Q3) The sum of two odd and one even numbers is *
1 point
Q4) The smallest composite number is *
1 point
Q5) Tell the maximum consecutive numbers less than 100 so that there is no prime number between them. *
1 point
Q6) If a number is divisible by 2 and 3 both then is divisible by *
1 point
Q7) Which of the following number is divisible by 3? *
1 point
Q8) A number is divisible by 4 if its *
1 point
Q9) Two numbers having only 1 as common factor are called *
1 point
Q10) Common factors of 15 and 25 are *
1 point
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