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Wheels 2025 Sponsorship
Your tax-deductible sponsorship of the annual Wheels for the Wheel charity car show includes the following benefits:
$1000 Platinum Level:
Weekly promotion on the Wheels for the Wheel Facebook and Instagram pages as well as inclusion in other posts for the show. Spotlight listing on The Red Mill Museum Village website
and Wheels website
Name/logo included on a video prominently displayed at the car show.
One family museum membership (providing free admission on regular museum days, shop discount and more) including
Six (6) complimentary guest passes
One time use of the meeting room in the Administration Building, overlooking The Red Mill and the South Branch of the Raritan River
$500 Gold Level:
Bi-weekly promotion on the Wheels for The Wheel Facebook and Instagram pages as well as inclusion in other posts for the show. Spotlight listing on The Red Mill Museum Village website
and the Wheels website
Name/logo included on a video prominently displayed at the car show.
One family museum membership (providing free admission on regular museum days, shop discount and more) including:
Four (4) complimentary guest passes
$250 Silver Level:
Monthly promotion on the Wheels for The Wheel Facebook and Instagram pages. Inclusion in other posts for the show. Support listing on The Red Mill Museum Village website
and the Wheels website
Name/logo included on a banner prominently displayed at the car show.
One family museum membership (providing free admission on regular museum days, shop discount and more) including:
Two (2) Complimentary guest passes to the museum
$100 Bronze Level:
Group placement of support on the Wheels for the Wheel Facebook and Instagram pages as well as inclusion in group placement of support on the Red Mil Museum Village website
Please make payment online (choose "Wheels for the Wheel Sponsorship" dropdown menu)
or send a check made out to the Red Mill Museum Village (with "Wheels for the Wheel Sponsorship" on the memo line) to 56 Main Street Clinton NJ 08809.
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