TRISD Reporting Tool
 Please try to give us names or nicknames. Don’t worry about the spelling, spell it like it sounds. Do the best you can to remember the date and time. Be sure to identify the school you are from, so we can direct your information effectively. You must answer all of the questions marked with a red asterisk * before you will be able to submit this report. If there is an immediate concern or dangerous situation, you may seek help from any adult on campus.  
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First and last Name
Your grade/role:  *
*  Please select an option 
Today's Date *
Campus incident occurred  *
*  Please select an option 
Please indicate where this incident happened:  
What is the first and last name(s) or other information of the person who you believe is causing the problem? Describe what the person(s) looks like, their age, grade, clothes they were wearing, etc:                                      *
*Name and description of the bully.
What is the first and last name(s) of the victim(s) or other information that will help us identify them, such as grade level, age, what the person(s) looks like, what the person(s) was wearing, etc:  *
What day did this occur?  
 Please use the following format Date: mm/dd/yyyy
What time did this occur?
What happened? *
(Be as detailed as possible): *
Have you told any teacher, school administrator, parent or other adult about this incident * *
If you answered yes, please indicate who you spoke with and when.
Your phone number and/or e-mail address
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