2023-2024 - Bullying Incident Report
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. The behavior is intentional and purposefully carried out in order to cause harm to another person or group of people.  

Please use this form to inform a WCCS administrator and counselor about the bullying concern that you have.  Once this referral is received, we will follow up with involved parties and also with you.  

You are welcome to report bullying anonymously.  If an anonymous referral is submitted, we will not be able to follow up with you, but will address the incident that has been reported.  
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Email *
What students were involved in the incident?  (This includes, Bully, Victim, Bystanders, Observers, etc....  Include grade of students if possible)
Which of the following describes the reason for the bullying? *
What happened?  Describe the incident in as much detail as possible. *
When did the incident take place? *
Which statement below best describes the incident?
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Where did the incident take place?
Your Name (Optional)
Your Role (Optional)
If you are a Westminster parent, what is the best way for us to reach you so that we can follow up with you regarding this incident? (Optional)
You may leave phone number and/or email address.
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