Symposium Mentor Survey
The Underrepresented Students in STEM Symposium (USSS-TC) will be back on Saturday, September 23, 2023. We are looking to pair mentors with undergraduate students to help them prepare for the symposium (abstract writing, scientific/oral presentations, presentation skills, etc.) and for ongoing support of career planning (graduate school, jobs, post-bacc programs, etc.).

If you are interested in serving as a mentor in this capacity, please fill out this form so that we may best match you with a student in the future. We look forward to hearing from you!

Please fill out this form before Monday, April 24th, 2023!

Thank you for your time!
Email *
First and Last Name *
Who is your employer? *
What is your current position?
Major/Area of Expertise *
Do you identify as Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Color or of another marginalized identity? *
If yes, and you feel comfortable, list what identities you identify as. Check all that apply.
Are you first generation and/or an immigrant? Check all that apply. *
Are you a first generation college graduate and/or from a low socioeconomic status background? *
Did you attend community college before entering a 4-year institution or before graduate school? *
What kind of academic institution did you attend? *
Do you have experience in scientific poster presentations and/or oral presentations? *
How many students would you be willing to mentor? *
Approximately how much time would you be willing to commit as a mentor once paired with your mentee (starting ~ May 2022)? *
Would you be willing to continue your mentorship after the end of the symposium? *
Would you be willing to be a poster judge? *
Are you affiliated with any professional organizations centered around BIPOC students such as NSBE, SHPE, NOBCChE, SACNAS, AISES, etc.?
What are your current or post graduate plans? *
Do you know of anyone who would also be interested in mentoring? If so, please answer with their name and email below.
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