Participant Satisfaction Survey
Please tell us about your experience with Sanguine.

Sanguine uses the responses to this survey to improve quality and workflows. We may contact you if we need follow up on any of your answers to be sure we can serve you to the best of our ability.
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Email *
How would you rate your experience with Sanguine? *
How likely are you to recommend Sanguine to your friends and family? *
Not at all likely
Extremely likely
How would you rate your experiences? (1 = bad, 5 = excellent)

Pre-visit:  onboarding, screening, appointment scheduling, documentation collections

During the visit:  experience with phlebotomist or blood donation site staff

Post visit: payment, follow ups
Pre-visit Experience
During the Visit Experience
Post Visit Experience
Where was your visit completed? *
What could we have done better to improve your overall experience?
Any other general feedback?
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