Alabama Military Spouse Mentorship-HUB Access Point
This form will provide you with access to the Alabama Military Spouse Mentorship-HUB. The information in this form is confidential and will only be used by MSAN staff to assist you in access of the Alabama Military Spouse Mentorship-HUB. Following this form, you will see a link into the private and secure Mentorship-HUB. If you do not see the link, you will also receive an email with the answers to your form and the link.

*MSAN does not use the information in this form for anything other than access to the Alabama Military Spouse Mentorship-HUB. MSAN will not sell or release your information.*
Email *
Name *
Age *
Please select from the following eligibility criteria:
How long have you been married? *
Family Demographics *
What branch is your spouse? *
Have you been stationed in Alabama Before? *
Where are you moving to? If you are not moving, where are you located? *
How would you describe your knowledge when it comes to benefits, programs, and resources available to you and your family? *
Where do you go for information on programs and benefits? *
How beneficial do you think it would be to provide training classes for military spouses before they PCS to Alabama? *
Extremely Beneficial
Not at all Beneficial
What are your struggles and what do you hope to receive from the HUB and its mentors? *
 Are you experiencing or have experienced Health care challenges in Alabama?
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f you answered yes, please explain why?
Which MilSpouse topics are you interested in receiving more information about? (Check all that apply) *
How did you hear about us? *
Who referred you to the AL-HUB? *
Do you have a language preference? *
We would love to know a little more about you! What are your interests? You can share as much or as little as you would like. *
I would like to receive Military Spouse Advocacy Network's newsletter and semi-annual resource guide. *
*After completing this form, you will see a link to join the Military Spouse Mentorship-HUB. If you do not see this link please email us at* *
*The Mentorship-HUB provides peer-to-peer support, guidance and information on resources and programs available. Our mentors DO NOT provide counseling or legal guidance but they are committed to help find the resources and programs our mentees need.
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