Vocabulary landscape assessment: Vocabularies for ETL
Please fill this short form for each data source that you have at your disposal. The last page in the survey will allow you to fill it more than once if you have more than one data source.
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Email *
Name *
Organization *
Data source name *

OMOP CDM version 


Current vocabulary version (can be found in the table VOCABULARY with vocabulary_id=None; SQL query: SELECT vocabulary_version FROM vocabulary WHERE vocabulary_id = 'None').

What is the time difference between the last date observed in the source data and the date that ETL was executed (ie., data refresh lag; sample SQL query: select datediff(day,t1.max_date, t2.source_release_date) as db_lag
(select max(observation_period_end_date) as max_date
from observation_period
) t1,
(select source_release_date from cdm_source) t2;
Frequency of data refresh *
Frequency of vocabulary refresh *
Which tables and fields do you populate with the non-zero concepts from the Vocabularies (check all that apply)?
Which specialty data elements to you have that are or plan to incorporate into your CDM (check all that apply)?
Which of the OHDSI Vocabularies do you have in your source data (check all that apply)?

Please list any source vocabularies, local coding schemes, or free text elements (such as ‘lab tests’) for which you use your own source-to-concept mapping or create custom concepts.

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