RSVP for the Installation of Rev. Elizabeth Carrier-Ladd as the Minister of First Parish Dorchester
"Our purpose is to be a diverse Unitarian Universalist religious community rooted in Dorchester and concerned with, and connected to the world. Our mission is to be a spiritual home for all those who seek theological and cultural diversity, fellowship, justice and service."
In January, the members of First Parish Dorchester called the Reverend Elizabeth Carrier-Ladd to be the 25th settled minister for our congregation since its founding in 1630. We are excited and hopeful about the future ministry of our congregation under her leadership!

We now joyfully invite you to join us as we gather to celebrate her Installation, whether you join us in person or virtually. It would be wonderful if you could be present as we formally welcome her to First Parish Dorchester and to our community.

An outside reception will be held immediately following the service.

There will be childcare throughout. RE activities are offered for the bulk of the middle service for older kids so that they can be present for the beginning and end.

Saturday, November 6, 2021 at 3pm
(religious professionals gather at 2pm)

First Parish Dorchester
10 Parish Street, Dorchester, MA

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