Healing/craniosacral session with Angi

This is a confidential intake form for the client and the practitioner to access initial intake.

All sessions are currently done at 
Shen Clinic
1071 San Pablo Ave
Albany, Ca, 94710 

Things like stress, trauma and illness restrict the natural flow of cerebral spinal fluid through the body. Craniosacral helps people restore the flow between the cranium and sacrum to help one feel more balanced. Craniosacral work has been known to support the body's central nervous system and can help people overcome health issues that include back pain, whiplash, headaches, chronic injury, insomnia, depression, stress, and anxiety (and much more).

Angela uses a variety of modalities like Breema, Acupressure, Shiatsu, with a focus on Visionary Craniosacral Work (VCSW)

New Client sessions are 90 minutes and cost $180
Follow up sessions:
60 minutes for $150
75 minutes for $165
90 minutes for $180

Masks are optional, I do wear a mask if you request one, or are immunocompromised. Please inquire before initial session.

Please inquire for more or less time/pricing  
Cash preferred
Venmo/Paypal/checks/credit cards all accepted
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Email *
Full Name *
phone number *
Place of birth (region / state / country) *
Preferred pronouns *
Have you received a craniosacral treatment before? *
If answer is YES to question above. What was your experience like?
Any body injuries or surgeries? (chronic back pain, knee surgery, neck pain. TMJ/D, Tinnitus etc.) Immune compromised? Please expand in detail here: *
Have you had a stroke, concussions, whiplash or any brain injuries? *
If answer is YES to any above, please expand:
Have you ever been pregnant/given birth? Please explain here (vaginal birth/cesarean/miscarriages)
Any sensitive areas/places you do not like to be touched? *
Do you have high or low blood pressure? *
On a scale of 1-10 (10 being high) what is your current stress level? *
Best times for you during the week (check all that apply *
Did you receive the covid vaccine? 
How did you hear about me? Do you have any questions for me?
Emergency Contact (name, phone number, relationship) *
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