Supply Drop Sign-Up
Fill out this form to be eligible to receive the weekly Supply Drops!

By completing this form you agree to abide by these terms and conditions:

1. You must follow our ToS at all times:
2. When gifting from the supply drops, you must be LIVE and ACTIVE
3. Offline gifting is prohibited
4. It is NOT ALLOWED to directly sell promotional items that provides
5. Giving away an excessive amount to one user in the hopes of emptying your supply drop is prohibited.
6. Any misuse of the supply drops will cause streamer to be subject for disqualification from future supply drops.
7. Supply drops are to reward your viewers for coming and supporting you, if caught abusing and gifting an excessive amount of items to one person may result in disqualification. (Max 3 per viewer per day)
8. Applying for this Supply Drop means you are agreeing to our ToS and what we listed here. Failure to comply will also result in immediate disqualification from future supply drops.

Note: Filling out the form does not guaranteed you a supply drop. We will review your eligibility on receiving a supply drop based on your reason. You need to provide a valid reason on how supply drops will help you achieve your goals. Simply stating you need more items or you are grinding for status bars will not suffice. If you do not receive a supply drop, this means your application was rejected and you must apply again.
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Email *
What is your THETAtv username? *
Reason to request a Supply Drop *
This will be your chance to show us how having a supply drop will help you engage with your community. Leave any examples of what you plan to do with your supply drops.
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