School Registration Form
Please note that this form should only be completed by Massachusetts educators.

Thank you for sharing the WBLA Student Registration Form with your students and their families. 

A Work-Based Learning Alliance team member will reach out to confirm students and families who have agreed to participate. Please remind your students to look for an email invitation from Slack once they've registered.
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Email *
Your School *
Your Name *
Your Title *
Your Phone Number
Please indicate the types of projects you anticipate being of interest to your internship students.
Do your students need to be placed on the same team?
Students are placed in teams of 4 to 6 based on their identified interests.
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Are there any industry partners that you work with who you'd like to engage for virtual internship opportunities?
WBLA can support conversations with your existing industry partners to communicate this opportunity.
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Is there anything else you'd like to share with us?
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