Young Authors Creative Writing Class Sign-up
"So You Wanna Write a Book?" is a 4-week virtual writing class with award-winning author Kristiana Sfirlea!
This class covers a variety of topics--from picking a genre, plotting a story, and how to stay motivated--that will give young authors grades 6th-12th everything they need to start their own creative work!

Classes begin Monday, October 7th from 4:00pm-5:00pm EST and will be conducted over Zoom.

Class dates: October 7th, October 14th, October 21st, and October 28th

Price: $75 (payment through Venmo, but please indicate if you need a different payment option*)

*Please note that in order to reserve the student's spot in class, payment must be made promptly. Thank you!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Is the student between 6th and 12th grade?
Does the student have access to the platform Zoom?
What is the student's favorite book?
What is the student's preferred name and what are their pronouns?
What email would the student like class materials to be sent to?
What Venmo handle should the payment request of $75 be sent to? (Or indicate that you would like to discuss a different payment method.)
Learn more about Kristiana at!
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