Anbau Excel Team Training HW Session 03 - Formula Fundamentals

DUE DATE/TIME: Thursday, April 20th at 2:00 pm EST (24 hours before next session).

Throughout your work days, apply the lessons we covered during the session to increase your productivity and efficiency. Then, complete this Google Form.

Type your answers on a word document or local text file on your computer, save your file frequently as you work, and THEN copy and paste your answers into the Google Form. This will prevent losing your work in case your browser crashes or accidentally closes.
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Your name *
1) Please list 1-3 specific lesson(s) that you learned during Session 03 - Formula Fundamentals *
EXAMPLE ANSWER: I learned how to navigate in Excel using the catapulting & schlepping shortcuts (CTRL + SHIFT + ARROWS), how to switch between tabs using CTRL + PgDn and CTRL + PgUp, and how to select the first and last cell of the active worksheet using CTRL + Home and CTRL + End.
2) In a few sentences, please describe SPECIFICALLY how you applied the above lesson(s) to a real world business task(s) and how you benefited from it. *
EXAMPLE ANSWER: As an office manager, part of my role requires maintaining and organizing change order logs. Instead of using the mouse to scroll up and down, click on the tabs at the bottom of the screen, and select the desired cells, I was able to use the navigation shortcuts of catapulting & schlepping (CTRL + SHIFT + ARROWS), switching between tabs with CTRL + PgDn and CTRL + PgUp, and checking to see the very end of the worksheet with CTRL + End, as well as jumping back to the first cell with CTRL + Home. This saved me a few seconds every time I used the keyboard instead of the mouse, and since I perform these actions hundreds of times per day, it saved me approximately 5 minutes per workday.
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