Streamers To The Rescue! Hirocato - The Delivery Hero Steam Key Request
The Humane Society and Astero Games have come together to collaborate to raise funds for critical animal welfare programs around the world. 

August 12-26

Streamers to the Rescue! gives streamers passionate about animals the opportunity to help join the Humane Society in their mission to fight for all animals and create a more humane society. Participating Twitch streamers can request a Steam key for Hirocato - The Delivery Hero. Steam keys are limited, so be sure to request one before August 7th. Stream keys will be emailed out by end of day August 9th.

As part of this collaboration, Hirocato - The Delivery Hero will be implementing Crowd Control in time for charity fundraising (how to)! 

The Humane Society is the world’s most effective and influential animal protection organization. We stand up to the powerful industries and interests responsible for the abuse, suffering and neglect of animals — and we create transformational change. - Join their Discord!

Hirocato is an adventure-platformer game where you control a cat and have to parkour over platforms to deliver food. The game is loaded with hard-to-beat levels, great music, hand-made pixel art, and an emotional story. (Presskit)

This form is managed by Player 2 on behalf of the Humane Society.
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You understand that you're request the stream key as part of a charity fundraising event? *
Your Tiltify Campaign Link *
Create your fundraising campaign through this link:
Please share the planned date, time, and time zone of your stream *
We will reach out to confirm and share personalized social media graphics.
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