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活動資料 Event information


登記 Registration
中文姓名 Chinese Name *
英文姓名English Name *
*電郵地址 Email address
手提電話/ 家用電話 mobile number (preferred)/ Home number *
性別 Gender
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您是否「耆萃匯」的會員?  ( 「耆萃匯」會員,將獲優先考慮,您亦可即時登記成為「耆萃匯」會員) Are you NAWA member? (Priority will given to the NAWA members) *
您是否中文大學學生?  Are you CUHK student? *
您是否退休人士? Are you retired? *
您從哪些途徑知悉本活動? Where do you learn about this event?
個人資料收集聲明 Collection of Personal Information
1. 此表格上所提供的個人資料乃屬自願性質,有關資料只供日後本研究所及此活動相關負責機構聯絡之用。而有關資料亦只供日後本研究所授權的相關職員接觸。本研究所會透過信件、電郵或電話等方式發放包括講座、服務及研究等的活動消息及資訊。   閣下可隨時以書面形式向本研究所提出是否願意繼續接收宣傳資訊。
1. Provision of personal data is voluntary. The information collected will be used for the purposes of events and communication related to the Institute and related responsible organization for this event. Only authorized personnel in the Institute can access the information. The Institute will promote and disseminate information such as talks, services and research information to you by post, email or phone. You have the right to make subsequent changes on your choice of receiving further promotional information by notifying us in written format.

2. 根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》,閣下有權查閱及更改表格上的個人資料。如有需要,請與本研究所職員聯絡。
2. Under the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you can access and apply for amendment of the data in this form. Please contact the staff of our Institute if necessary.

3. 本人明白及同意此「個人資料收集聲明」,並聲明在此表格上所填報的資料亦真確無訛。
3. I understand and give consent to the collection of my personal data. All information given in this application form are accurate to the best of my knowledge.

4. 本研究所會選用活動有關的照片及錄像作籌辦活動及公開推廣之用。如     閣下不同意相關安排,可於活動舉辦前透過書面形式向本研究所提出您的意願。
4. The Institute will use the  photos and videos taken from events in organizing and promotional purposes. If you do not agree with the relevant arrangements, you may submit your wishes and notifying us in written format before the event.

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