A29 TRO Consultation 
The Parish Council has agreed to submit a Traffic Regulation Order to reduce the speed limit on the A29 to 50mph through Slinfold. To do this, we need as much support as possible from residents so please complete the short survey below.

Question 1 asks whether you support the Council's application to reduce the speed limit from national speed to 50mph. The proposed zone would be from the end of the 40mph (travelling north) past Five Oaks roundabout to just past Random Hall hotel. Please see the images below (these are a guide not an exact location). Data over the past 10 years shows there have been 4 incidents around the Park St junction and 4 incidents around the Hayes Lane junction. There have been two fatalities, one of which was last year by the golf club, and there are several further junctions on this stretch of the road that pose a potential danger to residents and businesses. Therefore, the Council believes the reduction in speed will help to reduce further incidents and their severity.  

Question 2 asks whether you support the installation of village gates at these points (2 at each end) to help with traffic calming. 
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Please provide your full name (If you are a business please enter your business name) *
Please provide your address and postcode  *
Please enter your email address (we will only use this to keep you updated) *
Proposed start of 50mph travelling north on A29
Proposed start of 50mph travelling south on the A29
Do you support the Council's TRO application to reduce the speed limit on the A29 through Slinfold from national speed to 50mph?
Do you support the installation of village gates at the new 50mph points?
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