Astrology Chart information: Birth time . (exact time) *
Your answer
Your cell phone number: *
Your answer
Your home phone number:
Your answer
Your answer
Your occupation: *
Your answer
Your emergency contact name: *
Your answer
Your relationship status? *
Your answer
Number of Children and ages *
Your answer
Your emergency contact phone number: *
Your answer
Are you presently taking any medications, herbs, supplements? *
If yes, please list name and reason for medications, herbs, supplements:
Your answer
Do you smoke or self-medicate with any substance(s)? *
If yes, please explain type and use *
Your answer
Have you had a recent major surgical procedure, hospitalization or injury? *
If yes, please explain
Your answer
Have you ever received ... *
(Check all that apply)
Clear selection
Are you currently seeing a Chiropractor, Physical Therapist, Physician, Psychiatrist, or other Alternative Practitioner for an ongoing issue? *
If yes, what is the issue and what sort of practitioner are you using?
Your answer
Are you sensitive or allergic to any scents or oils? *
Any other known food/drug allergies? *
Your answer
Do you have any of the following today?
What are your intentions for this session? *
Your answer
What brings you ease, joy, inspiration, or sense of belonging in your life? What are some resources that you can tap into (from any realm - seen or unseen)? *
Your answer
Do you have animal companions in your life? *
Do you have a reflective or mind/body practice of any kind? *
What do you do for movement/exercise? *
Your answer
Clear selection
What is your stress level? *
Are you currently under an emotionally intense period or transition in your life? How are you supporting yourself or managing during this time? List some of your resources. *
Your answer
Have there been any big changes or losses recently in your life? (Living situation, work, family, relationships) *
Your answer
If you know about your birth process, please share any information you can; complications, trauma, medical interventions as well as what was happening in your family emotionally or psychologically. *
Your answer
Do you have a history of mental, emotional, physical or sexual abuse? Please share whatever feels right around this topic. *