HOLT 2022 Submission Form 申込書
We welcome your proposal to present at the Hands-On Language Teaching (HOLT) workshop!

The event will be held on Sunday, 20 March 13:00-16:00 through Zoom.

Submissions will be collected until 10 March 2022 (23:59:59 JST). Up to eight submissions will be selected for inclusion in the program. We will try to cover a broad range of teaching ideas and contexts, so let us hear your ideas!

Presenters will be informed by 14 March 13, 2022. Those selected will be printed out in the event program, and then shared online with OkiJALT members after the workshop, with your permission.

Each presenter will present 3 times for 15 minutes, as below:

Presenters #1-4 @ 15 min. each + discussion (45-60 min.)
Break (30 min.)
Presenters #5-8 @ 15 min. each + discussion (45-60 min.)
General discussion on teaching strategies and tips

The presentations will be followed by a short Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) of the Okinawa Chapter of JALT. Join us to see how you can get more involved and find out about opportunities that JALT provides its members.
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Email *
Given Name 名 (romaji) *
Mandatory 必須
Family Name 姓 (romaji) *
Mandatory 必須
名前 (kanji)
Optional 任意
Please write your name as you would like it to be displayed in our program. *
Affiliation(s) 勤務・所属先 *
Mandatory 必須  (e.g. "Naha Business English School and Meio University")
Type of institution どのような教育機関 *
Mandatory 必須
JALT Membership JALT会員について *
Mandatory 必須
JALT Membership number:
I wish to... *
Free for JALT members and JALT sister organization members (both presenters and attendees)

¥1,000 for non-JALT members (both presenters and attendees)



[International or in Japan]
1) PAYPAL - send payment as above to [okijalt.treasurer@gmail.com]

[in Japan only]
2)  BANK TRANSFER - Shinsei Bank (Domestic Bank #400) Account #: 400 693 3050 (Madoka Nagado)

新生銀行 (金融機関コード 400)支店番号 (支店コード)400  (普)口座番号 400 693 3050 (Madoka Nagado)

If you complete payment via bank transfer, please send an email to [okijalt.treasurer@gmail.com] with "HOLT 2022" in the title so we can confirm your payment.

Has your activity been published before?
Clear selection
If "Yes", where? Give details below.
Do you give permission to share your activity on our website? It will be available to anyone who visits our homepage.
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Name of activity アクティビティー名
Mandatory 必須 (e.g. Getting to Know Each Other) *This will be the title of the presentation.
Target Language 使用言語
Mandatory 必須
Clear selection
Learner Language Level 学習者レベル
Mandatory 必須
Learner Maturity 学習者の年齢
Mandatory 必須
The information you input below should help describe the process of implementing your lesson to students:
Minimum number of learners 学習者の必要最小数
Optional 任意 - How many learners are needed for this activity? (e.g. "2 or more", "Small groups of 3")
Activity Time アクティビティの所要時間
Mandatory 必須 - Please remember that you will have only 15 min for the activity at the workshop, but the usual implementation in class may be longer.
Preparation Time 準備所要時間
Mandatory 必須
Preparation 準備
Mandatory 必須 - Provide a list of materials to bring or prepare for your activity. (e.g. "projector, computer, PowerPoint presentation, and 3 videos to show", "timer, handouts, markers and small white boards", "list of nouns to support the conversation", etc.)
Steps 手順
Mandatory 必須 - Provide a step by step description of what the participants (learners) must do. Please number your steps! E.g. "1. Ask learners to write down three or four hobbies or things that they are good at. 2. Learners work in pairs and show each other their lists. 3. Pairs each get five minutes to ask their partner questions about the items on the list. 4. Get some feedback by asking random learners to share something that they learnt about their partner."
Possible variations 変化
Optional 任意 - Provide other ways that the same idea can be used. E.g. "Learners take notes about their partners and then place their notes on the wall. All learners must go around the class and try to guess who each set of notes is about."
Optional 任意 - Provide a list of publications related to your activity. (e.g "Cohn, N. (2013). Visual narrative structure. Cognitive Science, 37(3), 413-452.")
Class handout - クラス配布用
Optional 任意 - If your activity requires learners to use handouts, please provide a link to the files here, or send them by email to our address below. NOTE: You are responsible for bringing enough copies of this handout on the day of the event!
Captionless Image
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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