Paint the Void:  SF Creative Corps and CV-19 Safety.
Artists have a unique opportunity to help keep our communities' spirit up in challenging times and to advocate for best practices of keeping each other safe during a pandemic. Paint the Void and Building 180 have contracted with YBCA for funding through the city of San Francisco, via the Office of Economic and Workforce Development, to facilitate 30 new murals on boarded up storefronts by local artists. Visual Artists across San Francisco are invited to apply. Each artist grant will be $1250 and all murals will be temporary.

Theme: Promote public health messaging around Covid-19 through murals that bring joy and highlight the need to protect your family and community, not gathering in large numbers and staying indoors. Some of the murals should also include messaging around staying safe while shopping and dining. The goal is to continue painting San Francisco with hope, beauty, and resilience as well as care for our family, friends and neighbors.

See San Francisco Department of Public Health Covid-19 guidelines and toolkit here:

For more information on the SF Creative Corps see full announcement from the Office of the Mayor, London Breed: 

Artist Application Process:

Phase I: Please fill out the short form below to express interest to take part of this project.

Phase II: We will shortlist a set of artists that qualify geographically then invite them to submit a loose sketch or concept for a mural on the above theme. The artists with selected proposals will be contacted and matched with a storefront to develop the concept and create the mural.

Eligibility: This grant is specifically to create murals in San Fransisco therefore SF artists will be prioritized. Nevertheless all Bay Area artists are invited to apply if they have previously lived in SF or have strong ties. Furthermore, we will be prioritizing neighborhoods that are hit the hardest by Covid-19. Every community has its own ways of relating to the pandemic and the appropriate delivery of public safety practices will be best understood to artists who understand the local culture. We encourage all Bay Area artists to apply as the heightened infection rates may shift to different neighborhoods and will that so will our focus.

Please share this form with your artist friends and on your social media. Even if you are not selected for this project, filling out this form will get you into the Art for Civil Discourse and Building 180 database of Bay Area artists to reference for future opportunities.

Deadline: There is no deadline for submissions, though we strongly encourage artists to fill out this short form as soon as you see it. The creation of the thirty murals is expected to unfold through February or March 2021 and we will be choosing and contacting muralists on a rolling basis.

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Artist Name *
First and Last Name / Artist Name
What's your website? (Please make sure that you either have a website or your IG is not private, we need quick access to see your work somewhere online) *
What's your full Instagram URL? (ex: *
What neighborhood in the Bay Area do you live in? *
We will be prioritizing neighborhoods that are hit the hardest by Covid-19 and artists that live in or have close ties with said neighborhoods. Every community has its own ways of relating to the pandemic and the appropriate delivery of public safety practices will be best understood to artists who understand the local culture. Do you have strong ties to or have you previously lived in any of the following neighborhoods?
Please briefly explain your affiliation with selected neighborhood(s)
Email *
Phone number *
Empowering artists of diverse backgrounds is important to PtV. Please share which ethnicity you identify with if you feel comfortable doing so. (Optional; select all that apply)
Gender (optional):
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Sexual Orientation (optional; select all that apply):
Paint the Void is made possible by a core team of five women and several branches of volunteer teams that enable the various stages of the process to come to life. Would you be interested in getting involved as a volunteer in any of the following aspects of the project (leave blank if you're not available, we still think you're great and will do our best to support your creative practice as best we can regardless):
Do you give us permission to use your artist name and/or photos of the project for promotional purposes on our web page, social media or future fundraising to support more artists? *
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