Kane-DuPage County Prairie Strips Field Day
Join Kane County Farm Bureau, Kane-DuPage County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Iowa State University STRIPS team for a prairie strips field day in St. Charles beginning at 9:00am on Thursday, July 25. Registration deadline is July 15.

Prairie strips, or CP43, is a practice in the Conservation Reserve Program that protects soil and water while providing habitat for wildlife through the integration of native perennial plants into strategic locations within corn and soybean fields. Presenter Tim Youngquist, Iowa State Agriculture Specialist, will highlight conservation benefits and the history of STRIPS, Science-Based Trials of Rowcrops Integrated with Prairie Strips. Field day topics include prairie strip design, pollinators, roots and vegetation, soil retention, and water quality.

The event will begin at the Kane County Farm Bureau with coffee and a brief welcome. The group will travel 2 miles to Prairie Green Preserve for the field visit, then wrap up back at the Kane County Farmers Bureau with presentations and light refreshments.

Registration is FREE but space is limited; please register by July 15.

Please dress for the weather, including long pants and closed-toed shoes in the field.

Event Details
Date: Thursday, July 25, 2024
Time: 8:30am doors open; 9:00am event begins, wrap up at 11:00am
Location 1: Kane County Farm Bureau (2N710 Randall Road, St. Charles, IL)
Location 2: Prairie Green Preserve (698 North Peck Road, Geneva, IL)

Parking Note
The group will meet near the Geneva Community Gardens parking lot to begin the field portion of the event.  Parking is limited at the Geneva Community Gardens parking lot, so we encourage groups to carpool from the Kane County Farm Bureau to Prairie Green Preserve.

Questions about the training can be directed to:
  • Brooke Rogers- Regenerative Agriculture Specialist- barogers@iastate.edu or 815-546-2210
  • Kat Gerdts- Administrative Coordinator- kat.gerdts@kanedupageswcd.org or 630-584-7960

In the meantime, consider following STRIPS on Instagram and Twitter @prairiestrips!
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