LEVITATION - SEPT 25-28, 2025
Looking back at an incredible LEVITATION 2024 wishing we had a time machine to experience it again! It all went so fast, a blur of awesome music, smiling faces and friends. Can't wait to do it all again next year.

It was a crazy awesome time and we’re gearing up for the next one. We want to know who you want to see in 2025! We’re giving away a pair of Deluxe Passes for 2025 - all you gotta do is fill out the survey below and let us know who you want to see on the lineup! And APF is up next! AUSTIN PSYCH FEST APRIL 25-27. 2025 Stay tuned for the lineup and tix!
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Who do you want to see perform at LEVITATION 2025? Who should we book? What are you listening to these days? *
Did you go to LEVITATION 2024? If so, rate your overall experience this year.  *
What were your favorite parts? What can we improve on?
Where are you from? Are you local to Austin or are you from another city or country? *
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