CES Thesis Workshop for Juniors, Spring 2023
This form registers you for the following sessions of the Center for European Studies Thesis Workshop for Juniors in Spring 2023, which is open to any juniors concentrating in the humanities or social sciences. Please attend any sessions that interest you!

Session #1 - Tuesday, January 31st, 6-7:30 P.M. - How to Write a Grant Proposal (on Zoom)

Session #2 - Tuesday, March 7th, 6-7 P.M. - Research Methodologies (on Zoom)

Session #3 - Tuesday, April 4th, 6-7 P.M. - Living in Europe (on Zoom)

Session #4 - Tuesday, April 18th, 5 P.M. - Senior Thesis Writer Forum and Celebration @ CES

Please email William Whitham (wwhitham@fas.harvard.edu) with any questions.
Name *
Email *
You are a Junior at Harvard, right? *
Optional: what are you most eager to learn? You can refer to a particular upcoming session or to our schedule of workshops in general.
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