Member Enrollment Form
The mission of The Reading League Connecticut is to advance the awareness, understanding and use of evidence-based reading instruction across the state, by connecting all stakeholders and providing sound educational resources.  We appreciate your generosity in supporting The Reading League Connecticut's ability to bring its members high-quality reading resources and events to our state.

Annual membership to The Reading League Connecticut is FREE!

Membership benefits include:
1. Basic Membership to The Reading League National
2. Access to The Reading League's quarterly e-Newsletter
3. Discounts to all The Reading League Connecticut Events/Programs
4. Access to free workshops and panel discussions related to the Science of Reading
5. Access to current and vetted information on the Science of Reading
6. Opportunity to partner with us by volunteering your time
7. Opportunity to support the mission through financial donations

If you have questions, ideas, want to become more involved or are interested in sponsoring The Reading League Connecticut or an event, please email us at:
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
I am a(n) (Select all that apply): *
For future TRL-CT outreach opportunities, which would you most likely want to participate in? (please rank top 1-5, with 1 being most likely) *
Conference – day long
Conference – multi day
Coffee hour discussion on emerging topics
Book Club discussion
Webinar with guest speakers
Panel discussion with moderators and participant questions
Article review/discussions of TRL publications
In-person meet and greet event
Coaching/mentoring program
Educator scholarship program
1 - most likely
2nd choice
3rd choice
4th choice
5th choice
What future outreach event topics would you be most interested in?  (please rank top 1-5, with 1 being most interested) *
Classroom practices aligned with SoR
Literacy small groups – ideas & implementation
Phonemic Awareness
Letter identification and early literacy instruction
Sound walls
Writing instruction
Decodables and how to utilize
Special Education, Tier 2 and Tier 3 instruction practices
Supporting students with dyslexia
Literacy Assessments
Screenings and progress monitoring
Linguistic Diversity
EL Population
Strategies for talking to colleagues about SOR
Strategies for pitching SOR aligned practices to administration
1 - most interested
2nd choice
3rd choice
4th choice
5th choice
What is the ideal length for outreach events? *
Committees I am interested in serving on (select your first and second choices):
First Choice
Second Choice
Clear selection
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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